The European Vision & Eye Research Association (EVER) condemns in the strongest possible terms the Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine.
Our thoughts are with everyone affected, including all colleagues, who may be dealing directly or indirectly with the effects.

Your membership number is visible in the EVER membership profile (right upper corner)

European Association for Vision and Eye Research

EVER is the leading ophthalmological research association in Europe which covers all areas of ophthalmology and the visual sciences. One of the main activities of EVER is the organizing of a high quality research meeting every year at a location chosen for its access and congress facilities. EVER collaborates closely with other societies in organising joint meetings during EVER.

Dear EVER members,

The European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER), a nonprofit association encouraging “the research and the dissemination of knowledge concerning the eye and vision”, was founded in 1997 in France with the merger of the Association for Eye Research (AER), the European Community Ophthalmic Research Association (ECORA) and the Joint European Meetings in Ophthalmology and Vision (JERMOV). EVER is the leading ophthalmological research association in Europe covering all areas of ophthalmology and the visual sciences. It can be considered as a bridge between basic science and clinical eye research, including retina, glaucoma, cornea and ocular surface, oncology, pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, neuro-ophthalmology, and lens disorders. EVER is interested in translational research within all areas of ophthalmology and the visual sciences – these topics are actively discussed during our annual congress, which attracts optometrists, orthoptics, vision scientists, and ophthalmology clinicians.

My priorities

One of my priorities, which is already in progress, is to collaborate with the national European ophthalmology societies. I plan to introduce EVER sessions/lectures to annual meetings, which would allow translational research at local levels. I would be grateful for your help in establishing new relations between EVER on your country level. I believe that the future of EVER is based on attracting the best European researchers and most innovative industry players. But we are, of course, open to contributions from all continents! Collaboration between industry and academic research brings about a range of advantages, such as knowledge transfer, technology transfer, and better access to resources. Both academia and industry have unique resources, and collaborations allow the sharing of these resources for mutual benefit.

Why to attend EVER 2024 Meeting?  

First, at annual EVER meetings you can meet a wide range of European ophthalmology experts, as well as those from other parts of the world. Second, if you present at EVER, your abstract will be available in PubMed – it will be published in Acta Ophthalmologica, the official journal of the EVER. Moreover, as an EVER member, you have free access to Acta content and your publications in Acta are discounted.

Finally, EVER is a very democratic society; all activities and events are proposed, designed, and organized by our members, who feel they can have a real impact on ophthalmology research.

EVER Monthly Scientific Sessions – WEBINARS

For more info please click here

Composition of the board

Who is who in the EVER board?
See Board composition here.


Access the official

EVER Members in good order can request the access to EVER secretary.
Members in good standing will be allowed to view the 2023 abstracts which will be published in the January 2024 issue of Acta Ophthalmologica.

Impact Factor: 3.761

Download the app for your IOS device The APC discount code for EVER members is: AOSDS

This peer-reviewed, online-only, open access journal is dedicated exclusively to publishing original case reports across the entire spectrum of ophthalmology.

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